About Us

Who Are We?

 Message to All Nations (M.A.N.) is a ministry with vision to reach out to the Last, Least and Lost with the Message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We use Media, Medical Ministries, Apologetics and Discipleship to raise up communities of faith in All Nations. Our motto verse is 2 Tim 4.17 “ that the Message might be fully proclaimed and all the Nations shall hear it”.

Founded in 2009 by Dr. Rafik Wagdy and his wife Dr. Rana Adel, MAN ministries in the name of Christ to address the physical and spiritual needs of the people of the 10/40 region and beyond through ministries of Mercy, Discipleship, Training and Evangelism

Headquartered in Cairo, Egypt. MAN has achieved a wide sphere of influence in Evangalical movement in the 10/40 region because of its deep commitment to the historical, Biblical doctrines of the Christian faith.


OUR Ministries

  • Evangelism

  • Training and Discipleship

  • Community Service