

COMS (Centre Of Ministry Studies)

This is a center for ministry studies, for running the different training courses. It also serves as a resource center and a hub to network workers with the field. The programs we run are like; the Perspectives course, Al Massira, Seek God for the City Prayer program, Evangeltics (Evangelism and Apologetics), N.A.M.E. program for discipling medical students, discipleship program” Follow Me”, a life coaching course and “The `Encounter

  • Running the “Perspectives courses on the world Christian movement” had been so effective in mobilizing Christians. We have trained hundreds of Christians on missions.
  • NAME project: A project of motivating & equipping medical & dentistry students in discipleship, apologetics, medical ministry & evangelism.
  • EvangeleticsI have other sheepthat are not of this fold. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flockand one shepherd. (John 10:16) Motivating youth to acquire evangelistic lifestyles. We hold trainings on “reaching out to others”.
  • Conferences: The Annual Conference is attended by various nationalities each spring. Team retreats are held quarterly for the volunteer team.
  • The New Wave Project: A 9 months program of a conference & courses on missions, discipleship, life coaching & apologetics, with outreach.
  • Awareness Programs: Programs held by the arms of MAN in different countries to raise the awareness of our culture & work.

Cultural trainingThere are a few ministries into mission sending countries, like China and Latin America to raise their awareness on ministry to the region.

The training has expanded to several countries like Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kenya, Ghana, Brazil and UAE.

 Discipleship : And the things you have heard me sayin the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. (2Ti 2:2). We are working with a 4 year holistic discipleship program that works on the knowledge, skills and character. It is blended with prayer and outreach.

  • Teams: The team in Cairo, with members are being trained, discipled, motivated and equipped in the above 3 ministry domains. We hold a discipleship & prayer meeting every Wednesday. Our plan is to replicate the Cairo team in different cities.


  • Website : Using the website and Social Media as platforms for equipping Christians.


  • Production: producing Gospel centered material to equip Christians in Evangelism, discipleship, apologetics and Missions.

OUR Ministries

  • Evangelism

  • Training and Discipleship

  • Community Service